Ant Cat entry
Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:04 pm
Atta mexicana(Smith, 1858)valid
Oecodoma mexicana Smith, 1858a: 185, pl. 10, fig. 20 (q.m.) MEXICO. AntWeb AntWiki HOL
Norton, 1868c: 9 (s.w.). Combination in Atta: Roger, 1863b: 35; in Atta (Archeatta): Gonçalves, 1942: 343. Junior synonym of Atta fervens: Forel, 1885a: 362. Revived from synonymy as subspecies of Atta insularis: Emery, 1913c: 259. Revived status as species: Gonçalves, 1942: 335. See also: Borgmeier, 1959b: 351.
Oecodoma mexicana Smith, 1858a: 185, pl. 10, fig. 20 (q.m.) MEXICO. AntWeb AntWiki HOL
Norton, 1868c: 9 (s.w.). Combination in Atta: Roger, 1863b: 35; in Atta (Archeatta): Gonçalves, 1942: 343. Junior synonym of Atta fervens: Forel, 1885a: 362. Revived from synonymy as subspecies of Atta insularis: Emery, 1913c: 259. Revived status as species: Gonçalves, 1942: 335. See also: Borgmeier, 1959b: 351.